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What is EvolvingSeeds?
EvolvingSeeds is a decentralized grassroots activism network/community, and organism, a Solutions Focused Activist Volunteer Community. does the work on the ground by engaging in Activism (Volunteer) and Commerce that encourages immediate community improvement.
EvolvingSeeds strives to realize environmental equilibrium and social equity. EvolvingSeeds consists of conscious human beings who recognize the eminent challenges humanity is facing as individuals and as a species. Social and environmental concerns as well as developing economic and moral understandings has motivated many people to seek sustainable "green" alternatives to their consumer lifestyle, and a reasonable, inclusive, efficient and empathetic system to manage society. Our goal is to carry these alternatives into the mainstream and provide access to the information and people who are planting the right seeds.
We are Solutions Focused Activist Community. Please look around, we have a great deal of free open-use content to offer you and beautiful handcrafted gifts.
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Disclaimer: Click the Image Above... This petition does not seek donations or funding. So, there is no need to ‘chip in’ any money as this will go to the website hosting this petition.
Gaza is being obliterated and currently undergoes an active genocide for which is being committed by Israel the United States. The US has facilitated, enabled, fully endorsed and funded this genocide by military planning, arms supplies and its abuse of veto power!
Israel acts with full impunity fully supported and backed up by the United States of America. All while the International Community turns a blind eye!
Article 6 of the UN Charter States:
A Member of the United Nations which has persistently violated the Principles contained in the present Charter may be expelled from the Organization by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.
The United States is the Greatest Threat to Global Peace and Security, the United States has broken every single UN law within the UN charter since the its inception. Our demands are clear, we call on the United Nations Security Council to act upon and fulfill the very promises it made since its creation in 1945, which is to provide global peace and security and to implement article 6 by invoking it and expelling the United States from the United Nations!
As long as the United States is a part of the United Nations, the world will never see global peace and security let alone a permanent ceasefire or an independent Palestinian State.
The majority of countries across the globe, upon several occasions voted in-favor of a ceasefire, while the United States repeatedly vetoes or abstains from such votes.
This petition is a demand to have the United States permanently expelled from the United Nations, and rid us of this utter disgrace of an illusionary democracy and failed UN member.
United Nations Charter, Chapter II:
Focus Congo invests in young people and leaders in Congo, builds partnerships with local grassroots organizations and creates access to resources necessary for survival. Focus Congo promotes a vision for justice and peace in the country.
Relieve physical suffering and pain through life-saving operations and treatments. We make this possible for needy street children and orphans, pregnant women, single parents, widows, fathers... who are among the poorest of the poor and otherwise have no access to medical care. Sometimes simple interventions can provide healing and a healthy future!
We invest in them medical infrastructure and equip partner hospitals with essential equipment, because otherwise every corner and corner is missing. Already two containers full high-quality and new relief supplies have reached the Congo and are in action! Medical technicians ensure maintenance and repairs. Help us send the next container of hope on its way!
During the relief operations, volunteer medical professionals from Germany instruct local specialists in our partner hospitals in the use of new equipment and new surgical and dressing techniques. In this way we also enable one long-term, high-quality care from patients in the Congo!
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Israel’s siege and assault on Gaza have weaponized water, exacerbating the suffering of the Palestinian people. Currently, Gaza’s 2.3 million residents face extreme water shortages. The average daily water supply has dropped to 4.74 liters—well below the minimum requirement of 15 liters for survival—leaving many without access to water. Tragically, reports indicate fatalities due to dehydration, including among infants and children. The deliberate destruction of wells, desalination plants, and storage reservoirs by the Israeli occupation has severely compromised Gaza’s capacity to deliver clean water, resulting in a surge of preventable diseases.
The Water is Life Initiative provides clean drinking water solely through donations. For just $200, this grassroots organization can deliver a water truck to a displacement camp in Gaza. While we can currently supply water for today, efforts depend on continued donations. A small contribution of $5 plays a vital role in resisting the genocide against the Palestinian people and saving lives.
Please Consider Donating Today
"We’ve voted, we’ve protested, and this country still does not work on behalf of us working people. The General Strike is a network of regular people who know our greatest power is our labor and our right to refuse it. If we all strike together, we can make real change.
We are not one singular organization. We are a network of people committed to a General Strike to radically change our country and united by our shared values.
We are stronger when knowledge and power are distributed throughout our network, not concentrated amongst a select few. We are committed to a starfish model of organizing.
To create real change, we must charter a new path. New ideas are born out of disagreements with the status quo. We will not replicate systems of dominance and control within our vision, for The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.
A strike of 11 million people means people of every race, gender and ability must come together to win. We champion all forms of humanity and their right to exist, inclusive of our diverse backgrounds, political stances, and religious beliefs." - GSUS
This YouTube Playlist features important content about as an Entity. From our principles, to our goals, solutions and plans we will detail them in writing as well as audio/visual. Website updates, features, interviews and so much more are intended to be integral parts of the EvolvingSeeds Media Platform. Our Goal is to be your primary source for Solutions Focused Content. We would be honored to be your guides in the development of your internal environment and the External Environments we share. Thank your for your consideration.
We at would like to extend our deepest gratitude for your interest in solutions only activism. You may be a seasoned activist, you may have never considered activism before, or you fall somewhere on that spectrum. EvolvingSeeds introduction to activism and The Great Work is merely a focused perspective on many of the socioeconomic and environmental concerns that we are all already familiar with. EvolvingSeeds identifies and isolates the most efficient and effective methods of arriving at real, equitable solutions now that will make huge changes later.
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