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EvolvingSeeds Spiritual Enlightenment is geared toward refining the steps on the path to spiritual ascension and physical transcendence. This section is developed to cultivate an awareness of and a respect for higher principles and universal understandings that they may ignite and or fuel the fire of our eternal flame. EvolvingSeeds presents the most powerful content humanity has to offer about Spiritual Development. From the scientific method, to quantum physics, ancient mystery traditions, shamans, medicine men, guru’s, poets, cultures, philosophers, and religious denominations, this section will present all. Thank you for your consideration. Be safe on your journey.
With The Living Legend Mark Passio, in this detailed concise analysis Mark presents factors which define REAL Spiritual Awakening, as opposed to the "New" Age view of what "awakened" Consciousness means.
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YouNIversal Theory Is a Group, forum and space for seekers of higher knowledge to come together and exchange ideas, refine methods and improve their lives and the lives of the other inhabitants of this beautiful Earth. YouNIversal Theory dives deep into Esoteric knowledge, The Occult, Sovereignty, The Spirituality of Natural Law, Hermeticism, Principles, the Scientific Method, Quantum Physics and much more. The foundational platform that YouNIversal Theory provides is well equipped with the tools one requires to bridge the gap between themselves and their higher self.
If you walk the path of applied Truth, self-ownership, self-realization and self-actualization and would like to communicate with others on similar paths, YouNIversal Theory is the perfect place for You. As did the initiate of old, the student-teacher is empowered to shine bright as individuals collectively engage in the work of Evolving, Planting Seeds, Growing and Blossoming. YouNIversal Theory is a Universal University geared toward the actual mechanisms necessary to achieve the state of a human… being. The directors of the YouNIversity are extremely well informed, honest and accommodating. To connect with the community Click the Button Below!
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Infinite You cannot so simply be reduced to a definitive business. It is to be a way of living that offers the resources mentally, physically, and emotionally to allow each dedicated member a means to activately contribute to their most localized environments. By allowing the personalized visions, talents, and possibilities to manifest themselves to promote a collective sustainability that nurtures the accessibility of true peer to peer education.
Infinite You is my personalized ambition, platform and mission to help individualism within community and community within individualism; to help engage a network of people that will ultimately assist in fostering each other's fullest potential in a collaborative effort that in-turn helps to engender solidarity.
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We at would like to extend our deepest gratitude for your interest in solutions only activism. You may be a seasoned activist, you may have never considered activism before, or you fall somewhere on that spectrum. EvolvingSeeds introduction to activism and The Great Work is merely a focused perspective on many of the socioeconomic and environmental concerns that we are all already familiar with. EvolvingSeeds identifies and isolates the most efficient and effective methods of arriving at real, equitable solutions now that will make huge changes later.
What do we mean when we say “solutions only activism”? We are referring to activism that does not have one side versus another. True activism does not divide into sides. There are no sides to offering assistance to those in need. True activism is found in results more than intent. True results are found in the methods of operation. True Activism is about doing the internal work that will enable the external change we say we want to see in the world.
The only place to address the current problems mankind faces is on the battlefield of truth, reason, logic and the scientific method (not “scientism”). Everything else that is presented is a false narrative that exists to distract the would-be activist into a labyrinth of shadow causes that lead nowhere and put them against a would-be ally. In order to make real changes that will improve the general quality of life on the planet earth, one must consider unknowing much of what they had previously considered to be self-evident. This includes the seasoned activist who may have been distracted by shadow causes. Only those who accept that the world is not as it seems can begin to practice and perform successful activism.
By filtering the many emerging problems through several filters we can avoid the manufactured causes and focus our precious time and energy where it will matter. For example and not to pick on one cause and at the risk of offending them, the flat-earth situation is a prime way to exercise our prioritization skills. Assume for a moment that the earth is flat, assume then that it has always been flat. If that was revealed to the world, what would it change? Firstly it would eliminate peoples dwindling trust in their precious rulers, but enough to revolt world-wide?
So what would happen? Would you not go to work the next day? Would you stop going to work all together? Are drug users going to openly use their drugs in front of police? Are police going to stop policing because it is revealed that the earth is flat? We at are not attempting to discourage the flat earth community from doing its work. We are using it as an example of an activist cause that is not able to yield the type of results the cause itself aims to realize. The general population would not react the way most flat-earthers think they would. Without the proper cause, the effect is nearly irrelevant and totally in vain.
The flat-earther cause like so many other causes out there does not address to any meaningful extent the internal work that is mandatory for individuals to do for and with themselves to create meaningful change in the world. Similarly to the way a Universal Basic income and its advocates do not address the environment. Giving everyone a Basic income based on the progress and standard quality of life that mankind has achieved is great but does not address the resulting waste and what to do with it. The people would have a little bit more purchasing power, sure, but are the products being bought and sold made of plastics and other harmful materials, or have we transitioned to 0-waste packaging? Are we obtaining the resources that the basic income would provide ethically? Are we moving toward automation eagerly rather than hesitantly to preserve job creation?
By being mindful of the many labyrinth causes that are deliberately put in place to confuse and provoke, we are able to march onward to meaningful attainable goals that will enable the larger goals we as activists may have. Even though the term or label “conspiracy theory or theorist” was created by the C.I.A to discourage the growing interest in U.F.O activity and any of the more nefarious deeds committed by governments, the revealing of conspiracy theories as truth does not provide a method to change the world or a system to organize its billions of inhabitants.
We are aware that there are necessary prerequisites to causing the effects we desire to see manifested into reality. Those causes are not determined by the shape of the planet, the existence of extraterrestrials or the implementation of a (UBI) Universal Basic Income etc. True activism and change will come when it is common to work on self, to address our own thoughts, emotions and actions, and analyze their relations to truth and reality. The average American believes that their military is different than the Islamic terrorist, however they both falsely believe that what they are doing is right, moral, and beneficial to mankind.
At the very least both groups believe they have the right to participate in immoral acts to achieve their goals. They both believe that an authority authorizes them to do immoral acts for whatever reasons without any scientific evidence as to where these so-called authorities get their power. That makes them mostly the exact same, wrong in every way. It does not matter what you believe because those are your beliefs, but we share our reality. Individuals and groups can have beliefs but it is impossible for societies and civilizations to function on them.
Would you board a plane that was not designed by engineers but rather was crafted by the opinions and beliefs of the stockholders? Would you eat at restaurants that did not use measurements for ingredients or cleaning solutions? Just eye-balling it is fine when it is a reasonable situation to eye-ball it, and even then there is educated guessing implied. Beliefs are not even educated guesses. Therefore it is repugnant to live under what is known as moral relativism, the anti-ideology that there is no such thing as objective reality and truth, that the whole of reality is governed by the thoughts, emotions and opinions of each subjective observer.
More people subscribe to this anti-idea than you would believe, pun intended. The so-called societies we see around us and live in are nothing more than morally relativistic cults. They all presume to have the authority to dictate morality. Presuming to dictate morality is what slavery is made of. Claiming the authority to turn rights into wrongs and wrongs into rights is what tyranny is made of. Arbitrarily dictating the value of physical natural resources such as water, land, people etc is the root of violence. A civilized society cannot be called as much when it is founded in total disregard for what is true. For example, it was not always illegal to dump toxic waste in the oceans and lakes, did it magically become wrong once it was made illegal? No, it was immediately evident that it is wrong to poison the earth we all depend on from the start.
There is almost nothing natural about the societies we see around us. There is nothing civilized about how they operate. The system only aligns with truth where it has no choice, for instance, it is true that in a civilized society you need infrastructure in place that can protect and serve those in need, put out fires etc. It is a myth that only governments can manage such a simple task. A society engulfed in the tenants of moral relativism are not only not able to solve their problems but are actually working hard to make them worse. As agent Dicker in the Incredibles 2 pointed out, “You want out of the grave? First you have to put down the shovel.”
Because most of society has fallen victim to apathy or the labyrinth of shadow causes, the level of understanding and support for actual solutions are absent. The many excuses this author has encountered would leave me begging the bystander to just admit that they don’t care because they ultimately don’t care about themselves. As you move further down your activist path which equates to your true purpose, please continue to filter what you encounter through your faculties of reason.
EvolvingSeeds will continue to provide focus and tools to enable your evolution as an activist.
Language and words continue to be the main way humanity is hypnotized, therefore as a focused activist it is important to know what words really mean in the various contexts they are used. Please take some time to re-cognize your own familiarity with the content we have covered so far. Thank you for your consideration.
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