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UniStrike Inc. Intentional Communities section offers a simple but ground-breaking solution to many of the financial hardships and suffering that occurs within systems of exploitation. We have outlined and refined methods for enabling the access to the necessities of life (that we as individuals are being aggressively priced out of) through what we call Crowd-Funded, Open -Source, Decentralized, Conglomerated, Alternative/Off Grid, Intentional Communities. These intentional Communities would be owned and operated by
a parent corporation, owned by the Community Members. For YOUR consideration,
EvolvingSeeds honorably presents "Gardens" by UniStrike Inc.
Your support and contributions will enable us to form a Not For Profit Corporation known as UniStrike Inc. This corporation will streamline and mainstream Crowd-Funded Intentional Community Development to make purchasing land, wells, septic, and all fees, filing and permits easier to navigate & afford.
This will enable us to form communities with
which will allow members full control and mobility.
CLICK the Button Below or Please donate Here -$MichaelMorrispro
"Gardens" are small Open-Source intentional communities. These intentional or Sustainable Communities serve multiple functions including immediately consolidating incoming resources & outgoing waste, providing adequate food & shelter to those who lack it, providing income & life skills to those who lack them, informing & educating guests about sustainability, saving people money, replacing rest stops and basically ending so-called homelessness.
The Places of Dwelling or P.O.D's in these communities would house community members who grow and maintain the communities in exchange for their room & board. These communities would also host travelers and patrons who would utilize ALL of our facilities at half the cost of traditional travel lodging.
Each PoD is designed to be at the height of extravagant while maintaining a sustainable balance with the community, the environment and the individuals who dwell in them. One kind of PoD available is designed to resemble traditional houses scaled down to size. Another type of P.O.D is a spherical cap (dome) shape. Each of the types of P.O.D’s are designed to optimize efficiency with regard to energy use and distribution.
Externally and structurally each P.O.D includes 2 windows, 1 door, 1 porch 2 chairs 1 small table, 2 solar panels, 2 batteries, planters, rainwater collection, wind turbine (where applicable), patio cover, etc.
Internally each POD includes a Queen size bed (2 twin size beds in children's POD’s), personal items storage, a table and 2 chairs, 1 flatscreen, 1 mini refrigerator, lighting source, crock pot.
Generally, POD-share PoDs would house transitional residents and would therefore be of a standard design with only a small degree of customization.
Our goal is to generate Crowd Funded, Decentralized, Ideology-Free, Franchised, Alternative Grid, Intentional Communities. (Basically Upgraded Rest-Stops)
Available for a Fraction of the Cost!
Click the Photo for Video
Communing in these communities (members and non member guests) allows access to natural automatically maintained hydroponically/aquaponically grown fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs with the option for locally sourced fresh meat. We are well aware that this puts us in a precarious position. EvolvingSeeds knows that the correct diet is one that does not include the property of other beings (animals) namely their bodies, and there is no “but” here, we will say “however”. However we are also well aware that so many people are as dedicated to their current animal diet and more importantly their “food system” as they are to the other equally harmful institutions.
Our plan is to change the animal food dynamic and the hearts and minds of people by communing more intimately in these communities. By being in close proximity, and by housing guests openly from all over the world, we can lead by example and slowly but surely reduce the amount of meat being consumed by community members, not with force but with valid information and understanding. By utilizing these ancient but state of the art growing methods, we can grow more food, more efficiently and begin to really explore what we can do with plant-based "meats". This refers back to our goal to become the market, currently healthy / plant based vegan foods are purposely and prohibitively expensive. We can use our surplus products and our stores to distribute the rest of our stock back to the current market to drive prices down among our competitors.
Click the photo for video - Only relevant footage applicable... Solar - Wind
There are a myriad of options available to power our lives. These communities will harness state of the art Solar Power and Wind Power (generated from much smaller turbines which are made from recycled materials) Each pod will have its own power source or at least its own backup power source for further energy efficiency and security. Sufficiently powering our homes and the many devices we have adopted into our lives out of necessity or even for convenience is becoming more difficult to afford and is continuing to cause unnecessary environmental stress.
By empowering our own communities we can share the cost so that we can ensure the spoils. Developing and nurturing our understanding of how to design, build and maintain clean energy sources should be one of our first priorities as individuals and as a species. This will allow us the financial leverage to take the “proper” legal action to secure our right to natural communal living. There is no freedom without clean, free energy for all.
UniStrike Inc. businesses exist to generate the capital necessary to fund the projects that benefit its members, assists environmental restoration by stimulating “green economics” and centralizing resource production and distribution. We encourage overall public access, and consumption of “green-goods' ' increasing the awareness of and demand for eco-friendly products which will inevitably lead to more affordable and sustainable supplies of those products.
UniStrike Inc. members and customers will help to reduce their carbon footprint, increase their own personal health and wealth, and vastly improve their personal and social quality of life. With the guidance of us, its members, UniStrike Inc. will focus on the relevant considerations and concerns of its members and the Environment. UniStrike Inc. will analyze suppliers and affiliates with regard to their companies customer appreciation record, product packaging, resource procurement and distribution, and many other aspects of the way industry impacts ecosystems, communities, and individuals.
UniStrike Inc. businesses obtain and produce carbon low and/or carbon neutral products and packaging that are completely or predominantly Plant-Based, "0 waste", biodegradable, compostable, recyclable &/or reusable. UniStrike Inc. provides products and services that are ethical, environmentally and socially responsible, and economically equitable. The scientific method, logic, reason, empathy, UniStrike Inc. members and the market... (and maybe some A.I) determine membership fees, company prices and practices.
UniStrike Inc. MEMBERSHIP equates to the title shareholder, stockholder and employee, therefore each member has the option to work at the UniStrike Inc. businesses that their membership fees make it possible to establish. Working at UniStrike Inc. companies enables members to earn the money to pay for their membership fee, obtain spending money for personal use, and """"save more money""". UniStrike Inc. recognizes that the monetary (money) system is still the dominant form of currency in society, therefore UniStrike Inc. endeavors to transform the market by becoming the market.
Membership fees contribute to the purchase/ development/ maintenance of communal land, infrastructure, necessities and luxuries and all associated fees/filings, the development of UniStrike Inc. ethical businesses such as restaurants, grocery stores, maintenance services, temp services etc. and all associated fees/filings, the purchase/ development/ maintenance of communal transportation and equipment and all fees/filings, and much much more.
Example: Imagine if 90% of Wal-Mart's profits went back to their employees and the communities they were stationed in rather than the Waltons and the shareholders. Imagine if just a portion of the billions this company and companies like it make was allocated to environmental restoration even just local to the store.
The Membership fee is determined by UniStrike Inc. members. Membership fees shall be based on relevant local cost of living data and what is equitable for the environment, the current members, the company, and even potential members.
Membership guarantees access to all community assets, features, amenities, options, necessities, resources, luxuries and accommodations without restriction except for lack of availability (this does not include personal property or unavailable resources).
Utilizing resources would be organized and operate much like checking out a resource at the Library.
ALL positions within the UniStrike Inc. franchise are filled by UniStrike Inc. members. All members are required to follow all UniStrike Inc. business standards, policies, rules and bylaws while actively filling the position ("clocked-in"). The duration that each member works, fills or satisfies each position is determined by the member (members make their own schedules). Local UniStrike Inc. market necessities, and the needs of our customers assist us in improving scheduling efficiency.
All members are required to pass an assessment exam to verify that they are able to complete the duties of the position.
UniStrike Inc. Membership also includes access to financial advisors, auto-mechanics, legal advisors, general laborers and much more. These professionals are compensated by UniStrike Inc. and are ideally also members. These membership “perks” are included in the UniStrike Inc. membership with no additional fees.
UniStrike Inc. PROFITS are divided evenly among UniStrike Inc. members as a "Universal Community Income". At that point their membership fee will be deducted from their refund, (not their personal income) and members will ultimately be paid to be a member. Those profits include income gained from non-members as well as UniStrike Inc. members which will empower and strengthen each individual revenue stream.
On Site Labor Contributors (OS) members receive room, board, a wage and eventually even a Universal Community Income to live in and help maintain the community. OS members are a great resource in and of themselves; much of their contributions will involve housekeeping the PODS, preparing and serving food, assisting with special needs guests and residents etc. or work in the associated UniStrike Inc stores. Living in the community also allows On Site members to facilitate programs that help raise awareness and perpetuate and demonstrate more sustainable living. By offering DIY online classes and hands-on experience with emerging sustainable concepts, visiting members as well as the general public, will gain access to a practical and more intentional lifestyle while reducing the amount of time individuals need to contribute to keep it all going.
POD-share or (PS) Gardeners are members who contribute monetarily (money) from wherever they may live and use the community as a getaway or vacation home anytime they choose. This will enable PS members to have the freedom and luxury of owning a POD-share without the high-end cost or dramatic limitations of the resort style “Time-shares” people are accustomed to but with all of the service and amenities.
PS members may or may not work in the associated Universal Strike Inc. businesses. This is determined by each POD-Share member individually.
Vendor Gardeners contribute by signing up new POD-share members. If a current or prospective member is unable to contribute monetarily or with labor, they can solicit new Time-share members to financially support the community. The time that was spent to secure the new members and their financial contribution covers the monetary contribution of the TS member who signed up the new member (a 2-for-1.)
The Community Center is at the heart of any sustainable community. Community is an idea before it is a location. That idea is that as social creatures pursuing happiness, a common ground and space is necessary to connect and communicate. The Community Center serves as a University, clubhouse, recreation center, kitchen, restaurant, meeting hall, gym, theater, laundry facility, hygiene facility, storage etc.
The Community is designed to house the Community Center in the direct center of the property so that everyone and everything is relatively equidistant from the Community Center. Easy access to tools, supplies, and equipment etc. is essential to sharing and utilizing things. The Community Center is where members gather to finalize community decisions, hold meetings, recognize members for achievements, Celebrate etc. The Community Center is where all shared luxuries and many necessities are stored.
Estimate: 1 industrial stove or (sustainable equivalent), 1 “walk-in” freezer or (Sustainable equivalent), 1 refrigerator, 2 microwaves (or not), coffee maker, broiler oven, wok, toaster oven, 2 of every kind of kitchen accessory and utensil, attached pantry, 1 long food prep table,1 giant Flatscreen, 3 large monitors. 1 Xbox, 1 PlayStation, 1 Nintendo Wii U, video projector, 4 desktops, 3 large sofas, several homemade recycled bean bag chairs, 2 fireplaces, 3 small tables for the sofas, Games rack, book shelf, hydration station, One large dinner table shaped like a peace sign where the lines are the rows to be seated at either side of any side of the table, basement for dry storage cleaning supplies etc, herbs and spice greenhouse, mini bar, Outside patio jacuzzi heat lamps and misters, outside shower, indoor swimming pool. Yes if we manage our resources properly (and possibly dig the hole or build it ourselves… we should be able to have a natural pool.
Communities will obtain several automobiles to aid communities in carrying out tasks, and connecting the various communities with “free” transportation (Community funded). This will enable us to provide a public service to anyone “headed our way”. Ideally we would want multipurpose automobiles like trucks to maximize efficiency but also maximize carrying capacity while still considering the economic and environmental impact.
Per Community:
The car would be used for local endeavors and conducting normal business to and from town. The truck would be used to haul things, move things etc according to their applications.
(Community to Community)
Also communities can facilitate a community to community transit system that enables members to move about their “communities” with more freedom and less burden at no extra cost than their original contribution. They can leave their car at home, or park it at the community and carpool around the country or carpool around town. This is where we really begin to use Communities as they were meant to be used. As interchangeable vacation getaways, nomadic therapy, and sustainable living. For the community to community transit system several 18 passenger vans or shuttle buses would be ideal. Possibly 4, always on the same route, always in rotation. Operating the automobile is a form of contribution. Aiding the automobile operator and the passengers is a form of contribution. Ideally organic community foods could be provided for the trip to exchange among communities as well as well as any other resources applicable (Presently all Automobile operators must have a valid driver's license to operate the automobiles outside of the community.
One of the most innovative and groundbreaking features is the ability members have to transition from being a POD-share (PS) member to an On Site (OS) member, and from an OS member to a PS member with only some form of notification and consideration. Consideration is based solely on sustainability and available space. The PS member can use the POD they have been staying in, or if they made this decision from where they live, having vacationed to a community, they can request a more permanent POD.
As a new member, their first job (where interested) is to help build their own POD, or build a replacement POD to replace the POD they would be occupying, and everything that comes with it. This will help facilitate the integration of more sustainable values in people who dwell in the community as they eagerly participate in the manifestation of "their" Place Of Dwelling. An equilibrium has to be maintained, therefore the ability to “transition” should be predominantly based on resource availability.
Ideally the Community would always be slightly under capacity with a rise and fall in PS members predominantly on a seasonal basis. This turnover will largely depend on the popularity of the locations of the communities and their many geographic benefits or features from the communities environment. In other words the nicer the getaway the less people will want to leave, and the more people will want to come. The turnover rate for OS members should be slightly under capacity with a continuous but slow flux of one or two vacant OS POD’s.
The POD’s dedicated to On Site member housing should be around 30% of the total community space (estimate) The POD’s dedicated to PODshare members should be around 30% of the total community space (estimate). The other 20% should be dedicated to education recreation, food production etc. In theory we will not have to turn anyone away, especially if we build very temporary POD’s that house nonmember guests on bunk beds possibly 6 beds to a POD in a design that is progressive and properly utilizes space. Possibly not stacking the bunks but instead strategically placing them. This means housing more people in relatively the same amount of space especially for emergency purposes and disaster relief. .
Sustainable Communities will provide resources, experience and information on a wide variety of trades and necessary mechanical and technical functions that are common and/or vital to the current human condition. These areas of education are the real professions of an efficient society and will enable each individual to enrich the community by enriching themselves. Community members will even be able to exploit their knowledge in the “outside world” and be ahead of the class or their peers in the classroom or workplace. Essentially this will make sustainable community members a hot commodity to the commercial industrial sector.
The workshops will be organized by the person or people with the most experience, knowledge, education and most importantly the passion to engage the material not so much as a teacher of it but as a guide through it. As part of their community contributions these workshop teacher-guides will formulate a relatable and reviewable lesson plan to be used by neophytes (novice) to learn each trade or subject in an ongoing effort to champion the material.
Workshops will utilize the wisdom and experience of the teacher-guides, free online courses, and public community groups to assimilate the necessary information. Community members can choose to work for local businesses through extended or contracted community labor. This will give Community members the opportunity to further their understanding of material while making some money for themselves. The purpose of the workshops is to offer useful skills to community members and if possible the general public to enrich the quality, quantity and efficiency of the work that continually needs to be done to sustain life and society. The primary goal of workshops is to encourage more independence in individuals.
The workshops like anything else relevant to the community/communities will be posted in the community centers, online and in the associated app. Anyone interested will be able to see exactly what workshops are being conducted, when, who is the teacher-guide, who else has committed to participating, and what material will be covered. This will automatically organize the workshops and limit misunderstandings and people who might unintentionally cause disruptions due to lack of interest. Workshops are the means by which human beings will learn the higher order of inner purpose in association with their environment and needs
No UniStrike Inc. member or UniStrike Inc. board member can propose initiatives to change or amend these Bylaws.
No member can propose initiatives that can be reasonably presumed to violate a natural breath-of-life person, their natural inalienable rights or their property or the Natural Law.
No member can propose initiatives that can be reasonably presumed to discriminate or lead to discrimination against a peaceful individual.
No member can propose initiatives that can reasonably be presumed to lead to differential advantages over other members.
No member can propose initiatives that can be reasonably presumed to cause malicious and/or unnecessary harm to the environment.
No member can propose initiatives that direct the company to reduce costs by using less "eco-friendly" materials and/or less ethical means of production.
No member can propose initiatives that would obligate (insert name here) to interact with any form of governing body, aside from the many ways the company is already obligated to interact with governing bodies.
No member can propose initiatives that would center any religious belief or beliefs, national affiliations, or patriotic ideology or ideologies in relation to and with regard to Garden Communities methods of operation.
No member can propose initiatives that can reasonably be presumed to incite violence.
No member can propose initiatives that can reasonably be presumed to limit free speech when members are not actively working and fulfilling a position.
No member can propose initiatives that can reasonably be presumed to create ways to keep any information about the company from other members.
No members can propose initiatives that alter or amend the nature and/or cause of the "proximity voting system" once all current residing community members have agreed to the foundational agreements. This includes the following protocols.
Board members can propose initiatives to change and/or amend the percentages each proximity represents within a predetermined range.
Example for Proximity Voting System
All members have 1 vote in company affairs,
and 1 vote in their physical community from day one as a member.
The following system is for infrastructure and operations between & for inter-community decision making.
Similarly to Contributions not determining access... This voting system WILL NOT determine access,
Does not have to be on-site
50% of 1 vote
0 change range
At least 6 months on site
W/(3+years commitment)
100% per 1 vote
0 change range
long term dwelling within next 18 months
for at least (3+years commitment)
Proximity B is transitioned to Proximity A
90 days after arrival date
35% of 1 vote
15% +/- change range
15% per 1 vote
15% +/- change range
particular community,
3% of 1 vote
10% + change range
Proximity C & D can transition directly to Proximity A by formal request
6 months after arrival date
Example for Garden Communities
Corporations Initiatives:
50% per 1 vote per board member
25% per 1 vote
per committee member
Day 1 as a member
10% per 1 vote
Board Member Requirements
These requirements are able to be amended per the will of the community members, but there shall be protocols put in place to
"limit" that amending.
Please consider this intimate look into intentional communities.
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