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The Activism University is developed to challenge the perspectives and world-views held by the individuals that form the masses. This is merely a train of thought and repeatable observations. This “Informada” is a stepwise progression on your path to more awareness of self, more refined knowledge and even more vivid experience.
This “Informada” or Vast Information Thread includes original content by EvolvingSeeds staff and associates, many other prominent Activists, philosophers, scientists, poets, and the greatest minds in recorded history. This Thread also includes Video, Audio, Articles, downloads, links and more. This is a Train of Thought, EvolvingSeeds insists that you do your own research and due diligence. Be considerate of your mind. Move here at your own pace.
Thank you for your consideration!
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Activism is The Practice of Consciously Advocating for Harmony with regard to Environmental Equity and Equilibrium.
Environmental Equity is for the purpose of perpetuating Personal, Planetary, Cosmic, and even Celestial Evolution, Progression, and Equilibrium.
When we conceptualize the term “Our Environment”, we are not merely speaking of the mysteriously splendid external universe that we inhabit and experience; we are referring to any and all environments that a sentient being may inhabit or experience and how that environment relates to our emerging Self.
The task then is to re-cognize any and as many methods of concise data analysis as possible. Utilizing these methods in order to generate environmental understanding and foster environmental awareness is what effective, efficient, real "Activism" is. By applying these methods to the very methods themselves we can readily see that there is a logical/Natural hierarchical structure to organizing and practicing Activism.
The Hierarchy Of Activism is as follows:
Activist For Truth
If we fail to cultivate and be possessed by not only the utmost respect, admiration and even adoration for The Truth (that which has happened, and that which is happening), but also an adequate appreciation for being wrong, then we will fail ourselves and our purpose. The Truth aka Reality determines the perimeters of this shared experience. Without Truth we could not function , especially as a “society”. Truth is that the human body has certain requirements. We can profess that there is no such thing as objective truth as if it's objectively true, however if we were to ignore any of the Truths or principles that manifest as Natural Laws then there are relatively predictable and even quantifiable consequences.
Without an absolute passion for the pursuit of truth, we cannot properly take care of ourselves or others because any information can be presented as valid and the claims this data inferes could be bogus. Likewise valid data can be presented and “ruled” false by the antagonists of the day. This can divert and delay the initiate (beginner) if they are not equipped to defend themselves against the false claims or to recognize brilliant Truth. The tools and ammunition that are required to weather the storm of false beliefs, principles and axioms is the acquisition, appreciation, and application of RELEVANT DATA.
5 ways to be an Activist for Truth
Activist For Self
If we focus only on helping others then we will not adequately take care of ourselves. If we do not adequately take care of ourselves we cannot effectively take care of others to our maximum ability. Therefore it logically follows that in order to be an actual Activist for anything or anyone, we must have our own houses in order. If we do not have a concrete foundation of principles, axioms, and healthy habits then we are doomed to a state of conscious oblivion.
At the level of novice activist, one should be able to identify and relate in which ways causes and concerns, or “movements” converge as “intersectionality”. Theoretically any form of large scale social intersectionality can be related back down to the individual. For instance, socioeconomic discrimination could be applied to how many of us treat our bodies, favoring and really appreciating and caring for some body parts over others. Some parts of our bodies are granted unlimited resources while other parts of our body are abused and pushed to their limits for their “resources”.
In this way we can begin to detect our Activism Responsibilities to OURSELVES. By once again employing our tools of the Scientific Method we can truly analyze and not only ask, but answer the questions, What do I really want? What does my human body/life really need? Who am I? What is my purpose? Where am I in my various levels of development? Am I satisfied with myself, and what I contribute to humanity? Why do I keep going? And finally, How to move forward; practically and in full cognition.
For the Neophyte or even Novice Activist, it is incumbent upon us to define, respect and appreciate each aspect/level of “Activism For Self” and its many intersecting components. This is what is known as the Holistic approach. This has very little to do with “Holistic Medicine'' (which is associated and has its merits and benefits), and more to do with the components or quantum physics of our individual psyches, our relative anatomic health, our social conduciveness, our spiritual innerstandings and the various branches of those components such as the various types of consumption we engage in that affect our various forms of health which all affect our overall health.
When looking for which way to go on the path to Self Realization it is beneficial to look to the Hermetic Principles, namely the principle of correspondence which states “as above so below”. The health of your internal and external body is your highest priority as an activist for yourself. This breaks down in two ways, physical health and metaphysical health. What is beneficial or harmful to your physical body? What is beneficial or harmful to your metaphysical body, namely your mind and spirit.
Your physical, mental and spiritual health is all almost entirely based on consumption. What you consume on a daily basis. Even Why and how you consume can play a huge role in the various ways your health is influenced and expressed. In addition, what we consume is the content of what we are, in other words we are what we eat.
The diligent Activist, even with fault and “failure” must continue to strive for the sole consumption of the purest nutrition, content, and Data. All of this is “In Formation”. Information is not just “info”, it is also {in formation} with that which is empirically True and in accordance and harmony with the Natural Law. To inform you that my favorite fruit is cantaloupe but I am also mildly allergic to it is true information, data that is in formation with the Natural Law, but what can YOU do with it? Aside from knowing me that much better, nothing. It is irrelevant.
The wisdom of the Activist is readily knowing the difference between information and data no matter how true or false, and whether or not it is relevant to anything in your life or the progression of it. The various systems that function in our bodies are almost unilaterally interdependent on each other. Eating “healthy food” while consuming large quantities of alcohol will obviously and inevitably lead to poor health and even illness. Even less obvious is the relation toxicity in the human body has to toxic/traumatic experiences, upbringings, thoughts, emotions, actions, principles, axioms, beliefs and habits.
The most logical place to start then is an analysis or diagnostic of our own physical and metaphysical makeup and conditioning. Then following logic, it would be consistent to diagnose the mind in relation to what you know and or feel is True about yourself and the world around you. Are you in a mental place to address what place or set your mental state is in? If so, are you readily capable at this time to identify inconsistencies in your reasoning and beliefs that can be reasonably presumed to be harmful and therefore false?
Are you at this time able to take concrete steps to begin the “Shadow Work" of facing your False Ego? Are you able to make the necessary changes in your life that would greatly benefit All? Ultimately if the answer is no, or you sense some hesitation to make that large of a commitment to yourself and to All things and beings, you may want to ask yourself why. What is that hesitation and where does it come from? What traumas have you suffered in your formative years and your adolescence? How have you traditionally dealt with these traumas?
Have you ever considered how any trauma could have affected your development? Have you encountered thoughts, emotions or behaviors that would indicate that you have experienced trauma that society at large may not consider trauma, and so you have not explored the healing for? Have you been heard in your home and within your family? Are you nurtured by others rather than harvested? In the end, honestly facing why the answers to those questions are as they are is key to unlocking our Activist Nature.
If you have suppressed your Activism, then you have suppressed yourself. Ask yourself why, and for whom, and to what end? Are your most cherished accomplishments empty and manufactured? Has any struggles you overcome been an utter waste of your time, energy, money and other resources? What sacrifices of yourself have you made to fit in or avoid rocking the boat? Are you inclined to desire acceptance from society at large or smaller groups within it?
The answers to all of those questions and many more form the foundation or lack thereof for the rest of our existence. Understanding the answers to all of these questions does not end the suffering caused by the experiences, instead understanding the intricacies of how things happen frees you from carrying the burden alone. The pre-existing conditions for your development have been set against you, usually by your own family, friends, and culture. Your own inherent biases also inhibit your development because they skew how you view, remember and even experience the experiences.
We are not just the sum total of our genetics, upbringing and experiences. We are also the sum total of all that has come before us. That ancient data storage and programming influences how our existence expresses itself. Much of it is trauma passed down genetically, traditionally, and culturally. Not only are you tasked to address and reconcile your own lived trauma and experiences, but also while perpetually processing the ripples of splashes that occurred long before you were born.
What spirituality has referred to as Karma in the context of science is quantum physics. Quantum Physics allows us to either track and/or reverse engineer any natural phenomenon and recognize and analyze the various components of its causes and effects. Through understanding how natural phenomena unfold or ripple effect into each other, we can better navigate any emerging environments. Our overall health is dependent on how aware we are of and the respect we have for the many interconnected systems within us that ultimately become our many expressions and external reality.
5 ways to be an Activist for Self
Activist For Family
Being aware of your own experiences with yourself, your family, and the society at large, you should employ empathy for those around you. Ideally this empathy would be equally experienced for the experience/suffering of self, family and others we do not know. However, largely today's environments are not conducive to that end. Consequently most of us have stronger familial bonds than social ones which stimulates our activist senses for family more than for strangers. Being an Activist for our families is what being a family is.
Being engaged in the goings on of our loved ones is essential to the fabric of our collective existence/evolution. The bonds that we form with our family is the bedrock of how we form bonds with those in society. Being conscious of ourselves and how we relate to our families is how we begin to learn how to navigate the many manipulated social proclivities that exist in our environments. Without familial awareness and advocacy we would all be utterly lost.
The powers that be have done their best to destroy strong family bonds within society; more so in the Divided States. This is to separate each other and divert one another from equitable communal development. Being concerned about our families health, wellness, and quality of life is deeply rooted in our psychological make up. Standing up to those who hurt our families is such a powerful and natural reaction that many people will stand up for their loved ones more ferociously than they will for themselves.
By improving our alignment with truth and consciously improving ourselves, we can effortlessly project that into our family members. By being the example, you set the example. Consuming consciously encourages conscious consumption in others. Dating consciously encourages conscious dating in your family members. Conscious living stimulates conscious living in others.
5 ways to be an Activist for Your Family
Activist For Community
The one who has adequately done the shadow work to heal themselves and have accepted the responsibility of advocating for themselves and their loved ones, should also recognize why being an Activist in and for your community is the next logical realm of Activism. An Activist for themselves and their families would reasonably want to not only be safe in, encouraged by and embraced in their community, but also to reciprocate. The Activist would also want to extend their success and goodwill to others in their community while developing stronger social bonds as friends and learned acquaintances. These are the bonds that weather storms, defeat tyrants and pioneer freedoms.
Even "neutral mentors" (mentors not coming from a place of recruitment or conversion), but rather mentoring for personal growth, social stability and progression are a nearly extinct form of advisor. Unbelievably the pursuit for mentors largely has been replaced by content and content creators. This can be problematic for many very obvious reasons, but if the Activist's principles are upheld then receiving True/valid/relevant content should be all that
Community is metaphysical as well as physical. More often we find like minded peers in online forums and communities which are not physical places but enable us to form real bonds in the physical world. Community is based on communication and Natural Law. Therefore the tools of the internet stand as the infrastructure for new methodologies and frameworks. We have long existed in a state of competition with our neighbors and community.
We are beginning to align ourselves with the principles of The Activist for the purpose of redesigning our concept of community.
At the level of Community Activism we work outward, and inwards. Community Activism satisfies our responsibility to co-create our Environment, and to some extent champion it. Interacting at this level of Activism reaches out into space and time gripping others in its wake.
Providing On The Ground Grassroots support for others in distress in any way is always more noble, conscious and moral than not providing it, or worse being an opponent to distressed beings in need of support.
Community Activism also reaches very deep into ourselves, activating trauma and absorbing it like a sponge. Communicating with others in normal ways and in times of need stimulates our imaginations, challenges our comfort, strengthens us and can even sustain us in desolation. This is why community outreach no matter how corny it has been portrayed in after school specials like the movie Dangerous Minds is far more beautiful and important and therefore more dangerous.
Community Activism is how we “bridge gaps”, formulate friendships and defend against the many “differential advantages” that are imposed on us socially, be it arbitrarily or naturally. Interacting in our communities delivers a multitude of energetic frequencies and benefits to the human body and the human condition. Take a look at “The TikTok Community”. TikTok is a community of differing views and perspectives, lived experiences and backgrounds. TikTok content is largely polarized and yet when the TikTok community found itself under attack by the U.S government the people were galvanized.
The Community, though diverse and in its adolescence, was instantly unified under the common good which was the continued use of TikTok. The Community is largely not a physical location, or physically localized to one part of the planet or another yet the response was swift and unanimous. Some TikTok users spoke out, and have never spoken out about anything before in their lives, but were compelled. “As above, so below”, once again we can relate an environment or community to a single organism. Our community under attack is our bodies under attack, and so we are Activated.
5 ways to be an Activist for Your Community
Activist For Planetary Host Organism
We end here, where we began. As above, so below. The Planet Earth, aka Kai, aka Umhlaba, aka Gaia, aka Terra is a living breathing organism. As we see the self similarities within us, we can relate them to the interconnected attributes on and in the earth, such as the polarities, the cycles and the living organisms that execute functions that are vital to the health of the organism. The Earth is not just any organism, she is our Host Organism, the cradle of all life, our egg in the womb of the source of all things. The Earth is by right, metaphor and practice, the principle foundation by which all things within her are manifested.
The Earthly Body is our host by which we engage in a symbiotic relationship. The plants, animals, bugs and bacteria all serve several vital functions that contribute to the sustainability and perpetuation of healthy cycles in the Planetary Body. Human beings are tasked with the highest of celestial responsibilities which is to facilitate the resonant, harmonious, and necessary evolution of the planet through the evolution of themselves. This then is the highest calling for an activist, to be an Activist for their Planetary Host Organism.
Similar to white blood cells in the human body, human beings are supposed to activate for the benefit of the Host in order to benefit the body or Environment. The Human Being operating in its proper capacity is a Force of Nature. We are able to manipulate our environments like no other creature on earth. We shape and mold the environment toward the means of equity or evil; the evil of self destruction. When we practice high order activism by working locally and thinking or empathizing Planetarily, we stimulate the Planetary Body to heal and thrive.
The Planet has seen all that come and gone, it is the physical keeper of our memories and story. Our Host provides without question or regard, to king and thief alike. To those who respect her she takes into her bosom, to those who cherish and defend her, she ushers into eternity their names and deeds. To those who are not concerned with her, abuse her, and rather have favored the plastique worlds of man, she mourns you in your potential.
To be an Activist for your Planetary Host Organism is what “Royalty” is made of. By forging and never forsaking the principles of the activist we perform and play the most vital role as stewards for our mother the Earth. We were never meant to have dominion over The Earth, we are meant to protect it, nurture it, and defend it. This means even defending her from other human beings who do not share our appreciation for our Host. The Activist never forgets where they came from.
5 ways to be an Activist for Your Planetary Host Organism
TOLFA is the online Freedom Plan complete with a questioner for you to determine how much about YOUR freedom YOU actually know.
The Academy comes in 18 numbered Segments, plus a couple for preparation, and several are built and depend upon earlier ones. So please work on each Segment in the order shown.
Be disciplined. Set aside a fixed, regular time when you WILL study - thoroughly, one Segment at a time - and set firm progress targets, with dates. But don't worry if you can't handle more than one a week. Depth of understanding matters much more than speed.
Thank you - Intro
Thank You whomever you are for walking on this path at whatever time you walk on it. If you have found this place, then you are seeking harmony, equity, justice and the Freedom of Humanity's first Ancestors. The information presented here has the ability to achieve that most glorious and honorable goal. Please be considerate of your Thoughts, and Emotions while you create the Action of furthering your development, understanding and Evolution. This “Informada” or Vast Information Thread includes original content by EvolvingSeeds staff and associates, many other prominent Activists, philosophers, scientists, poets, and the greatest minds in recorded history. This Thread also includes Video, Audio, Articles, downloads, links and more. This is a Train of Thought, EvolvingSeeds insists that you do your own research and due diligence. Be considerate of your mind. Move here at your own pace. As Always, Thank you for your consideration}
...For the neophyte, to begin initiation.
“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding” -The Kybalion
Lesson (Click Below For Documentary)
In the distant past humans would flock to Mysterious Monuments to knowledge with no particular reason identified as the initial cause for the Information Migration itself. For many that tradition has returned, revolved, and is repeating. This time however is unique in that the seeker does not have to physically leave their home, does not have to leave behind their loved ones, and does not have to risk life and limb to acquire any Truth.
This School of Thought IS NOT for the moral relativist who falsely believes “there is no such thing as objective Truth”, Truth is subjective, or that Truth is relative. The only way to move forward is to accept the Truth that there is Truth. This author likes to reply to the statement, “there is no such thing as objective truth” with, “are you stating that as if it's objectively True?”.
But what do we mean by Truth in the first place? The understanding of Truth has been deliberately obfuscated by the ruling powers in order to cloud the mind. Empirical Truth is simply “that which HAS in fact happened, and that which in fact is HAPPENING. Nothing more, nothing less. “Personal Truth” equates to “perspective”, opinion, viewpoint etc which are based on an individual's processing of external stimuli known as Reality or Truth which are then filtered through the measurable and immeasurable internal processes of the human body to become perspective, subjective experience, and internal reality.
One must dispel notions of “his truth”, “their truth”, “our truth” etc, there is no such thing. That is the path to indoctrination and to belief in that which does not exist. This also can lead to not understanding that which is empirically true and does exist. “
As an exercise to stimulate the mind let us state that in the Truest most concise way (outloud). There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what has never happened or is not happening; the other is to refuse to believe what has actually happened and/or is actually happening. In this fashion we can relate and restore our understanding of our relation to our particular being and this three dimensional construct we call reality.
Do not be deterred if you have been institutionalized by the false prophets of “higher education”, or indoctrinated by the politics of the dominant social, cultural, technological, philosophical, or environmental institutions of your day. Do not be consumed by sorrow if you have been graded or rather de-graded, by these institutions, or “brought up” in wrong thinking, felonious feeling, and incorrect behavior, your nescience is redeemed by your desire to seek Truth and Understanding. Only those who refuse to accept Truth, and instead willfully choose to refuse and IGNORE the Truth, that they themselves re-cognize are doomed to the wasteland of IGNORance. The modern term for this is cognitive dissonance which is “the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change”. - Definition from Oxford Dictionary 2022
EvolvingSeeds does not participate in the endless myths perpetuated by the “Schools” erected by the status quo such as the duelistic concept of smart and dumb, the implementation of tests, grades, scores, etc. EvolvingSeeds submits to you that there are no such things as smart or dumb. There is only informed or uninformed, and by extension correct or incorrect. On a short enough timeline everyone is dumb, on a long enough timeline everyone can be smart. If you only have .0003 seconds to input the question, process it, and output your answer, the term applies. If you have a lifetime to input the question, process it, and output your answer, then the ladder adjective applies.
Moving forward, if you have accepted the Truth that there is Truth and that you… yes you are capable of locating, comprehending, understanding, accepting and integrating recognized Truth for what it is then you have already altered your perceptions of reality and begun your journey to self-mastery and harmony. If you are already familiar with this Internal Eternal Framework of consciousness then skim ahead or allow your mind to guide you to some vital and relevant piece of in-formation within this introduction. If you have never considered these topics or challenged your own “world-view”, then I suggest you strap yourself in.
You will not be accredited with any awards or certificates at the end of many plastic manufactured hurdles. You will not receive a degree, you will not be elevated by some authority figure who says when you have achieved. This is the Fight Club EvolvingSeeds school of hardknocks in that “you determine your own level of involvement”, Tyler Durden Fight Club (1999), style of enlightenment. You choose the volume of awareness and interconnectivity with yourself and your environment you can experience and emerge and grow with.
Here you will gain a far better understanding of why the planet earth is in the condition it is in, and how human beings made it, and create it this way. You will clearly see how to improve the quality of your life and the lives of the beings on this host planet without taking anything from anyone except the thieves and criminals that tell us we cannot afford freedom.
You will recognize in which ways we can and should compromise, and in which ways it is unacceptable, detrimental or even impossible to compromise without catastrophic consequences. Too many people have taken the posture of either the ostrich or a bootlicking dog bent over in service of evil. Too many have accepted symbolic scraps as the best that can be achieved in a lifetime, but this too is false indoctrination as we will prove to ourselves over and over again.
Those that have not begun to investigate the higher truths that exist outside of THEIR perceptions do not have the jurisdiction to profess their opinions about important world issues. Yet it has become prevalent for idiots to speak about things that they are not even mildly aware of, to people who did not ask for their manipulated opinion. We must abandon those that do not share our desire to improve ourselves, our world and the quality of life of all beings who depend on this host planet.
In order to generate a better understanding of what on earth is happening, it is incumbent upon us to examine the Nature and Cause of our condition objectively. A decent way to accomplish this is to study and test the validity of our perceptions against that which is reasonable. We suggest that the student approach these topics as a third party witness and not with either of any sides that may be discussed.
You can also view these topics from the standpoint of a scientist studying the entirety of an organism, the organism being you, a "civilization", or the environmental reality. You can study these topics from the perspective of a benevolent Extraterrestrial species if you have the prerequisite understanding of how morally and technologically advanced advanced civilizations would logically be. However, if you view these topics through the lense of "that which you want to be true", - (Travis Walton) to ease your terror and suffering you will be blinded.
If you are still here then count yourself among the few who are rewarded simply by doing what they know is Right, and more importantly have the courage to continue to consciously evolve. If you have made it this far then you probably have your ego in check, or are morbidly curious and traditionally open minded, meaning you are able to hold a concept in your mind while you process it and can digest and comprehend the concept without accepting or denying it. To those who have abandoned their minds, bodies, spirits and humanity to apathy and illusion , this would amount to a super power.
We have come full circle, as together, we the Chosen Superheroes, embark on the great journey inward. We have migrated to the last place and the first place, the source and the center of all things. We are not here to mold you or educate you or drill discipline into you. We are established to facilitate that resource by which you will accomplish those noble and most human of goals yourself, and at one tenth of one tenth of the effort.
We hope to Act as the catalyst for the re-emergence of The Human Being, we as the soil by which the nutrients of Truth will nurture this seed to grow into The Tree of Life. Take these lessons at your own pace with the knowledge and caution that you will not be the same, and that is the point. Only through experience and with wisdom will we begin to reclaim our common heritage.
Banish your notions of money, government, religion, entertainment, pleasure, the future and the past when or while you embark on this journey. Distractions are most certainly the problem, therefore unflinching focus is the solution. This is not exactly the kind of focus you use to study text, but rather the kind of focus one must cultivate to raise a child. When we say "raise a child", we are not referring to their age, size, or even overall growth and the energy and time that goes into that prospect.
No, we mean "raise a child" in conscious awareness.
Check your ego at the door, and let us begin.
This is what it really means to be "woke" or enlightened. Mark Passio gives this presentation for the warriors ONLY. This is the "Activists Handbook" as far as EvolvingSeeds is concerned.
"Historical commentators believe that the Dogon's cosmological lore goes back thousands of years to at least 3200 BC, during the pre-dynastic age of ancient "Egypt", of the Kemet-Nubian family group of the Nile Valley region." -
"The Dogon are an ethnic group indigenous to the central plateau region of Mali, in West Africa, south of the Niger bend, near the city of Bandiagara, and in Burkina Faso. The population numbers between 400,000 and 800,000.
What are the Dogon people famous for?The Dogon people are known for their legends about their origins and knowledge about space and extraterrestrials. The Dogon people are also famous for their intricately carved wooden masks and dance rituals for the deceased, a ritual known as the dama." - Google
This Video offers an accurate assessment of how to consciously evolve humanity and the individual.
Natural -
Human beings of all levels of consciousness like most animals are very aware of the basic components and effects of Nature. However these very same humans have fallen victim to the deepest rooted forms of mind control. Through generational indoctrination and religious devotion to imaginary concepts, many people have lost or never had a grasp on which things in life are Natural, and which are man-made.
Mental constructs such as money, authority vested in strangers, and mob rule have been drilled into the social fabric and mental makeup of most people. "Money makes the world go round", "they should have complied", and "vote for the lesser of two evils'' are prime examples of the real world effects of this kind of "thinking". Absolute belief in these made up manipulative tools of control are the bedrock of nearly every problem we see in the world, from poor health to civil unrest.
Much debate and endless heated arguments have occurred in favor of or against what kind of bars, or what color the bars of the prison cells should be, with almost no talk of the prison or how to escape it. The reason is that most people do not want to accept that they are a prisoner of belief in false concepts, be it there's or in the aggregate. They do not want to accept that they were dumb enough to believe the lie in the first place but have a vested interest in maintaining it.
The few who emerge from the cesspool of cerebral oblivion to question the prison, are aggressively destroyed. So try to understand that seeking and obtaining this knowledge carries it's dangers, and benefits, but nothing is more dangerous or beneficial to you than applying what you learn here. The danger comes from being aware of and able to see illusions for what they are. Dangerous because you will be armed with the knowledge of self that will prevent you from accepting scraps from thieves. Dangerous because you will be compelled to stand up for yourself and others.
The keepers of slavery are quick to anger and violence when they experience what they perceive as an attack on their self-imposed title of "good person". The agents of tyranny who actually do the day to day maintenance of the illusion called society experience a very tangible sense of perceived power from their social status. Not licking the boots of a policy overseer is dangerous, standing up to overseers is dangerous but necessary. Even the common man with no comprehension of the nature and cause of the current state of reality, and with his many false beliefs are capable of ending your life in defense of those beliefs.
Those who are so LOW (in awareness) as to serve evil, are not cognizant of how false, incorrect, immoral and unnatural their behavior is. The small percent that do know their behavior is wrong are what's known as psychopaths. The vast majority are products of their environment. The true environment, Nature has been hijacked and held hostage for nearly the entire 20th century. The concepts of bottled water for instance, corporations owning residential homes, and borders are all perfect examples of Nature being held hostage.
The total eradication of food bearing plants and trees from communities is a clear indication that there is an ongoing assault on what appears "Natural" to the human mind. Countries and Borders seem like a Natural extension of the concept of a home to most people. Trash seems like a "natural and logical result of a product's packaging" to most people. Police and prisons seem like the natural response to violence and injustice in humanity, however all of these modes of operation are invalid and empirically false.
There are no such things as countries. Therefore all borders are tyranny. No opinion can change that. Trash is the first abomination in a Universe that wastes nothing. Police and prisons do not stop violence or injustice but merely clean up afterwards with no regard for the causal factors which ironically is the system they depend on and their false beliefs.
The master plan of the owners of the earth is to sedate the entire population into passive, mindless endless illusion until finally "their way of life" is life and no one will be able to tell the difference. Most people won't know what a tree was, or that tigers roamed the jungles. They will only know what they are programmed to know. At that point there is no point in humanity continuing and we are fast approaching that eventuality.
What this course of thought and way of being is by comparison to what is propagated to the commoner is what the starship is to the row boat. As the illusion grows more solidified with more and more "content", it becomes more difficult to break free from it's hold even when you are a focused seer. The owners of earth and man want not only to be gods, but to be worshipped as gods. Most of our advances as a civilization destroy and or imitate Nature. Man offers a substitute for Natural suffering which is manufactured suffering.
Manufactured suffering is seemingly predictable while Natural suffering is seemingly random. Manufactured suffering offers some relief in the presumption of appeal. You can appeal to a court but you cannot appeal to cancer. You can file a form to reverse a process of institutions but you cannot file a form to redirect a tornado. The coddled masses have grown to appreciate the warm lies over the cold truth.
Having to go through the trouble of showing up to court to pay a parking ticket is seemingly more appealing than having to go through the trouble of ending a system that criminalizes existing. We can work on and agree on social responsibilities, but none of them will include giving up the product of one's labors, their freedom, or their life for them or their property being somewhere in public for too long. The presumption to justify violence against peaceful people for merely existing is the antithesis to freedom.
It is more Natural to rebel against an unjust system than it is to comply with it's false edicts and immoral demands. Nothing about the way most colonized people live on this planet is Natural, but because the motions of eating, sleeping, and engaging in relationships still occur if even haphazardly, they assume they are living in a Natural manner. On the contrary, even a basic investigation into the diet, habits, institutions, traditions, "laws", customs, compromises and socioeconomic structures of most so called civilized societies are unsustainable, wasteful and immoral, hence Unnatural.
Starting from the beginning, Western civilization does everything wrong. The Western way of birthing children is harmful, impersonal, and insulting to logic. The way all CULTures indoctrinate superstition and a false sense of respect for traditions is unnatural. Conforming to ways, modes, methods, and models of living that do not serve one, all, or any is unnatural. Paying taxes is not Natural. Being forced to do anything against your will as a sovereign adult of an age of reason is not Natural. Traffic stops are not Natural or Necessary. The seasonal "inflation" of currency is yet another misunderstood and completely unnatural phenomenon.
Simply slapping the label of legal does not mean it is Natural or Moral. Likewise simply slapping the label of illegal does not make something real or immoral. There is no such thing as illegal immigration, ask a goose. Ask a wildebeest or a humpback or sea turtle if any form of immigration could be unlawful in Nature. However therein lies another illusion. There is no such thing as "illegal". Immorally obtaining Natural Necessary resources and then withholding them is immoral, unjust and Unnatural.
Animals prey on each other all the time, but none are so disconnected from Nature as to withhold its prey's resources from birth to death. Licenses and Permits are permissions to exercise a Right and so are rendered and expressed as not Rights but rather privileges and are thus not Natural. The withholding of that which the licenses and permits are required for are so unnecessary that there are larger industries in place to capitalize on people not having them. Licenses and Permits are clear signs of tyranny and socioeconomic stagnation.
Authority vested in strangers, groups, organizations, corporations, and governments is imaginary and an extremely bad idea. The concepts of Natural, inherent, Rights, and Laws have been drained of their meaning to the point where most people falsely believe that Rights and Laws are man-made rather than Natural. Because of this "un-understanding" of Nature, Rights and Laws have been made low and are now seen as temporary agreements rather than forces of Nature.
The scientific method is Natural. Humanities ego has grown so out of control that not only does it want credit for creating the scientific method, a small group has claimed credit for it. Observation of ones environment and then asking a question personally or socially is a Natural process of rational thought and discovery. Researching the topic before jumping to conclusions is a Natural process of efficiency, see what the previous paths holds before attempting to trailblaze.
Forming a hypothesis based on what you learned simply from the act of asking the question and the research you are still doing is Natural. Experimenting is Natural. And finally, forming conclusions based on what you learned in the process of using the scientific method of Truth discovery is Natural. All sentient beings use the scientific method. All advanced civilizations have mastered the scientific method in the sense that they have learned to harmonize with it.
Sadly science has been literally weaponized and commoditized to the point most people do not see the difference between science and what we are calling "$cience" or science for or by way of money, scien-tists, and authorities the former is the default mechanism for thinking beings to think. The ladder is a perversion of the former leading people into what to think, not how to think. To trust the scientists rather than attempt to understand the science of.
$cience has given birth to $cientism, a religion decimating Christianity in size and jurisdictions. It is impressive to watch as people blindly buy the criminals drug simply because the criminals have bought "scientists", who will affirm whatever their employers desire or be unemployed. It is logically fallacious to presume that one is more qualified across general scientific disciplines because they belong to a specific scientific discipline. Aside from that it is unwise to take anything from a tyrannical government besides their lives and lands. This includes taking their advice or suggestions with regard to your health or strategies.
Moving forward it is incumbent upon the neophyte to attempt to observe the many ways the concept of Natural is purposefully obfuscated and even altered in common society. Now that we have granted awareness to some ways we are coerced into accepting tyranny as "the way things are", we are better able to see how false that lie is. Things are this way because man has made them this way. If it is possible for man to reverse his course before it is too late, it will be done by way of applied logic, the scientific method, the trivium, and a deep understanding of Nature and her Laws.
The Scientific Method is the external expression of the Natural internal processes of consciousness, reason, and logic for harmonizing with this three dimensional frequency called reality. There are no thinking beings that do not use the scientific method to engage reality. Even trial and error can serve as evidence for proof of the elements of the scientific method in even the most basic of life-forms.
Aside from being able to define a question in terms humanity is currently willing to acknowledge, all life displays the characteristics of engaging in scientific discovery by using the scientific method. The scientific method is not $cience for or by way of money. The scientific method is a natural method of principle recognition in practice. An animal being predominantly predisposed to their instincts does not negate their ability to observe, be curious, engage in trial and error, and come to conclusions, and apply those conclusions to their environment.
"Science" which is the social establishment of the scientific method, is for the navigation of any reality or simulation a being may find itself in. If you suddenly found yourself on another planet in another plane of existence, what part of how you proceed would not include observing your new environment, defining questions about that environment and your relationship to it, looking around or researching it and then forming guesses and then conclusions about what happened to you and where you are? Is there any other logical way to proceed? Would you not do any of that?
Applying the scientific method would be automatic, because it is automatic, it is inherent. The scientific method is the Natural internal response to external stimuli. $cientism steals it's perceived validity from Science and borrows any legitimacy from the scientific method.
Since the scientific method is Natural, by extension technology is also Natural. Science and Technology for the benefit of all beings or at least for the benefit of humanity is founded in the scientific method derived and applied empathetically to life and it's many requirements. Glasses are science derived and applied empathetically to human eye sight. Hearing aids are science derived and applied empathetically to create the technology for improving hearing.
The wheel, although simple, is a function of Natural motion. That motion is readily observable in Nature. The evolution of the motion into the wheel, the wheel into the sprocket, into the compact disk and whatever it is to become is natural. Even the intellect that assembled the wheel in its various places and times is made from the flesh of pure Natural Creation.
The scientific method is a tool. The tool is a reflection of the user. The hammer is a fairly simple tool. Yet it can build and destroy, provide safety and take life. Smartphones change lives every day in responsible hands, and have ended many lives in shallow hands. In this way we have formed tools through the scientific method and technology to create tools of defense and even offense. Such tools are an extension of Natural defense. Every component of a Weapon exists within the scope, scale and jurisdiction of Nature. The morality of the user and the tools use is what renders a weapon Natural or unnatural.
It is Natural to use a weapon to defend yourself against an attacker. It is unnatural for the attacker to violate your right by any means. The act of violating your right is a wrong by any means and with any tool. If the attacker defends themselves from your defensive measures, that is also a Natural action of self preservation but the act is wrong and immoral, not the tool. Yes, even weapons are a Natural extension of the scientific method applied to technology for defense. The use of the tool for immoral or corrupt purposes is wrong, but the tool remains what it is, simply an inanimate object with no positive or negative assignment.
In this way we can extrapolate our understanding of Natural to weapons like guns and bombs. The gun and its various components are Natural in the hands of the righteous and Unnatural in the hands of the thief. However, the bomb cannot be Natural because its use cannot be for moral combat. There exists too many anomalies rooted in politics, conquest, and supremacy in various forms. The reason for the bombs existence extends far beyond self defense. While the bombs components exists within the scope, scale and jurisdiction of Nature, the use of that weapon does not.
It has to be noted here, contrary to popular belief and in the Supremacy rhetoric circles, that simply draining resources from a host planet for the sole purpose of comfort and conquest is not the tribute to Science and Technology they think it is. Many people justify the many atrocities humanity has endured by our use and abuse of the technological advances humanity has endured. As Ian Malcom from the first Jurassic Park movie so eloquently phrased it, " your Scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they never stopped to consider whether or not they should". Benefiting from harmful technology does not legitimize the use or harm of that tech.
This argument is used by supremacists, usually in an attempt to reduce the severity of colonialism and the enslavement of human beings or to provide some sort of sick shadow nobility to genocide because of the perceived resulting advancements. Civilizations classically seen as primitive are gradually revealing the genius of their cultures as to how they recognized and harmonized their way of life with their relationship to their environment.
Technology is illegitimate and the science false that is not in harmony with the Natural environment and the Natural Law. There is no honor in delicately crafting a thing to use to destroy yourself with.
It is beneficial to assess abominations to Nature in an apophatic format meaning to examine what a thing is by familiarizing ourselves with all that the thing IS NOT. Trash has been declared by some to be a Naturally occurring phenomena. Packaging requires a protective covering to secure products from the elements and thieves, right? So trash is the Natural effect of humanity packaging products?
Nature and Reality does not show a single sign of waste anywhere in the cosmos. In a Universe that does not waste, trash is the first abomination. Aside from "Trash is natural", being a ridiculous train of thought, the components of trash are not even Natural. The harmful physical manifestation of trash in the form of plastics and other man-made materials curbed for a moment, restricting access to resources based on arbitrary value exchange is inherently unnatural.
The predation of Natural Resources for the sole purpose of arbitrary value exchange is unnatural and hence an abomination. This is why stealing to avoid starving is scarcely viewed as stealing at all. The unnecessary arbitrary control of Natural Resources by humanity is unnatural. So calling the physical effect of waste Natural is inherently false. Waste is simply mismanaged resources.
Willful ignorance is unnatural. Denying reality is a common psychological defense mechanism displayed in humans, however, the inability to accept the presence of common social realities is unnatural. The inevitable outcome of ignoring socioeconomic realities, is the equivalent of ignoring dangerous or hazardous environmental realities. Furthermore, ignoring how these realities directly affect the individual and society are clear signs of someone under extraordinary mind control, sadly this is the condition of the average human being.
Mind control without consent is unnatural. The only form of mind that should inhabit any body is one of the individual and the infinite mind of creation. No human is subject to the will of another. No human mind is legitimately available for ownership without that mind being fully aware and given of its own free will. Like a contract, the signer has to be reasonably able to comprehend what they are signing up for for the contract to be valid and binding.
In almost every instance consensual mind control circumstance is an impossibility. The healthy knowing mind is unable to willingly submit to mind control. The knowing mind does not require external control or validation. Nothing valid can come from external mind control and no matter how seemingly positive some social advancements may be, no advance has been made that is not grounded in internal mind control.
Coercion is mind control, lying is mind control because it eliminates a person's ability to be aware of the truth and reality of a situation that directly affects both parties.
Anyone who says any or all of the following is under Mind Control:
"This is the way it's always been."
"Who are we/you to change things?"
"Money makes the world go round."
"Respect authority" / "you have a problem with authority."
"We don't have enough money for that."
"The earth is already overpopulated."
"The government wouldn't lie to us."
"It's classified for a reason."
"You think you know better than $cientists."
"I've never seen or heard of that so it doesn't exist."
"All we have to do is vote for…"
"You're weird."
"It's the politicians/corporations fault."
"I don't care about "politics" (any issues that affect them, others, or the world).
And for good measure, anyone that believes in any concept or form of money, (past the developmental need for money) authority vested in strangers, and/or religion without responsibility (the responsibility to truly know one's faith, and the responsibility to not force that faith onto others) are under Mind control. Every single person that claims and or identifies as, "I am a (insert political affiliation here)" is under Mind Control, save for the Anarchist. It must be stated that the Anarchist is under Mind control in the way that an innocent prisoner is to some extent mind controlled by the prison.
Aside from the mind control somewhat inherent to being under physical control, the Anarchist is one that does not consent to being controlled by any entity or entities. The anarchist would scarcely consent to be governed by even the most worthy god. The anarchist, free from mind control, is free from many of the self imposed restrictions that are deep rooted into the mind of the blind, obedient statist.
This semblance of freedom provides some relief from the woes of being a captive prisoner of war. The anarchist can sell illegal narcotics to consenting adults and be free from the social and perceived immorality of doing something "illegal", while the statist, being religiously bound to their belief in authority, experiences some social and mental cognitive dissonance at the prospect of their profession. The statist usually experiences the feeling that they are engaging in an abomination, the anarchist knows that the abomination is prohibition.
Prohibition is an abomination and hence Unnatural. Attempting to dictate what a person has to or can not put into their own bodies is tyranny and unnatural. Attempting to dictate what a person must or must not do to their own bodies is tyranny and unnatural. Enforcing or attempting to enforce "prohibition" on peaceful sovereign individuals is tyranny and unnatural. No being or beings have the legitimate Right to declare and dictate what Rights others have to exercise, and which Rights they do not.. they are Rights.
It has been proclaimed that anarchy is merely a theory. That was the case, but belief in government is still a belief, and a theory is logically better than a belief. However this author has personally re cognized that anarchy is the only naturally occurring, moral, ethical, and logical social structure which is made evident with an extremely simple equation. Yes, anarchy is proven mathematically. This will be the first publication of what I have titled, "The Right Equation" which is stated as follows.
Anarchy is the state that does not contain ruLERS. It contains Rights.
(R x B = N) R-Right multiplied by the number of sentient Beings = Number of beings in possession of said Right
Another way to put this is, "everyone is equal under the Law, The Natural Law" - ?
Yet another way to put this is that no being can legitimately bestow a Right that they do not have, on another sentient being or beings.
No being can "properly delegate" a Right that they do not have.
Every being has the same amount of Rights.
No being has Rights other beings don't have.
It must be stated here and now that nothing in existence can be given that is not first possessed tangible or intangible. One cannot give bread that they do not possess, likewise one cannot give advice that they haven't thought of, or share a new idea that they are not in possession of yet. One cannot give true agape love that they are not in possession of. One cannot elect, vote, give or properly delegate a Right that they are not already in possession of themselves.
Therefore no legislation of ANY so called government can be morally binding or legitimate
Personal Note: If there is or was ever a "god" that exists, you would not receive judgment for breaking arbitrary "laws" like "J-Walking" or "smoking pot", and the Natural Law is self evident. Humanity would however receive judgment for doing things no one protects against like littering.
(R x B = N)
R-Right multiplied by the number of sentient Beings =
Number of beings in possession of said Right
Thank you "Brian Drake" for uploading this clip to Youtube .
"Watch in frustration as Jan Helfeld uses the Socratic method to expose "Senator" Inoue's (of Hawaii) inconsistent logic." - Brian Drake
The exercise of government is unnatural. While "having a vote" is a product of natural compromise and communication between more than one being living in close proximity, government is the enforcement of laws, a few that are in accordance with the Natural Law and the rest that are perversions of that Law for financial gain and strategic advantage. Since "government" will not distinguish between the two, it is the principle breaker of The Law. As the bible points out "You cannot serve two masters"- Matthew 6:24. You cannot serve yourself, your host planet, or freedom while also serving that which inherently seeks to destroy all of that.
What the word government means, what most people think government is, what it actually functions as, and what government actually is are all dramatically different things. The word government is derived from two Latin words:
That is what the government actually functions as in reality. Mind comes before action, therefore action is subordinate to mind. If the minds of a population are controlled then they are unequivocally enslaved because nearly all of that population's actions are based on mind control. Whether it be the day to day tasks that societies have erected, or the rebellion against those tasks and injustices that societies have erected, the actions are in response to a central cause.
It is abominable to have a central cause or principle dictate that is not that Natural Mother and Law itself. Why is this problematic? Imagine, a rock rolls off a hill and hits you in the head. Perhaps a small animal bumped it, that is a Natural cause. Now imagine that the government is the legitimate principal cause, the rock is set forth by xyz institution. That institution has a monopoly on rocks falling on heads and they benefit every time a rock hits a head. Would it be reasonable to assume then that if it slowly begins to rain rocks forever that this is not a natural or equitable process of rocks falling on heads?
Government is the unnatural claim of ownership over all things. The only challenges to government and instant totalitarian rule are other governments and the presumption of opposition (rebels/activists spectrum). Government is not real anywhere at any time, therefore to maintain the mentos gubern or mind control, the concept of government must be projected in all places and at all times for the illusion to persist. Despite the perceived existence of government in all places and at all times, sentient beings, yes even on earth, still engage in anarchist behaviors the vast majority of their day, week, month, and year.
No entity or entities rule over you in theory. No one forces you out of bed every day, no one forces you to own a smartphone, or to own a car. That is the state of Anarchy within the confines of the system. Government however does force individuals to interact with it for various reasons and usually against the individual's will.
True government is when you have convinced the individual that they have consented to their enslavement from the very start, and that their enslavement is a Natural function of civilization. Most people think that their Rights and Freedom come from their government. Only when you go to do something in the society or remain not doing something in the society for too long, or do something the society does not like, does the society expect you to pay homage to it's god. Fees, permits, licenses (and the associated fees and filings), codes, statutes, charges, regulations, legislations, articles, and ACTS are nothing more than the pale attempt at pretending to be Creator Prime.
Copyright claim, or the experiment is chips away at the concept of '"Authority"?
What the Cult of Authority does to the Human mind, emotional well-being, body and spirit in a very short amount of time.
There is also a fairly provocative Movie available.
This is why the Cult of Government persists today.
What are RIGHTS? The answer is very simple. They are actions, any actions, any behaviors that DO NOT WRONG another (sentient) being. Rights are like any other Naturally occurring phenomena, they are not up for debate, negotiation, or vote, they simply exist. They are not up for grabs or interpretation by the brainwashed manipulated masses of any day.
There are an infinite amount of Rights, but only One Wrong, THEFT.
Exercising a Right without social, economic, or tyrannical restriction is what Freedom is made of. Imagine playing a game where the fundamental rules of the game change all the time, based on the whims of lobbyists, opinions, and beliefs. The rules change without any real warning or notification. Also your life depends on your ability to play the game.
It should not take too much imagination to visualize that world. Rights are Nature's Policy for what a sentient being CAN rightfully do. Wrongs are the Rules for what a sentient being Cannot rightfully do. Essentially there are Rights and Rules, this single rule is defined best as "The Golden Rule".
It is this Golden Rule that objectively determines the morality of an action. Sadly moral relativism has infected most of the planet. The notion that morality is subjective and based on individual perception is dangerously false. All violence amounts to one single unified abomination. From trash to tyranny, all forms of violence and violent acts are based in THEFT.
All correctly labeled "crime" is rooted in the concept of theft. The taking of that which is not yours and without permission. Since all beings show signs of avoiding being stolen from in these ways, we can declare morality Objective.
Stealing is obviously theft of property, assault is theft of property choice, trespassing is theft of property choice, sexual assault/rape is theft of property choice, murder is theft of life or property choice. From there ethics become relatable in the sense that we can quantify how lying or purposely giving false information can result in harm. Lying is the theft of choice, and by extension possibly the theft of time and much more. The act of cheating is repugnant to the spirit of sentience.
All of these thefts are an abomination because they steal the Rights of others. This host planet may or may not be sentient by our current definition, but regardless of that, our dependence on our host planet means that we cannot just steal whatever we want from it without species ending consequences. The wasteful forms of abomination are no more than 130 years old, and have done more damage than all of the previous centuries combined.
Society as it stands is a puss-filled pimple ready to explode on the face of the earth, in our faces. The condition of the planet is in direct correlation with our human condition on this planet. Our biology and mentality are being affected by all of the playing god that has been all-owed to occur in the name of progress. There does not need to be a god for humanity to judge it's experiment with playing god a morbid failure. The only way to proceed then is to scrap the experiment and cross-reference all relatable data from the first experiment and try again. The common denominator will be religious belief in that which does not exist, and the religious denial of that which does.
Only when humanity re-cognizes Rights and Wrongs will it ever enjoy the warm comforting glow of True Freedom.
This Audio Book is indispensable for the development of the True Activist. We advise the student NOT to continue with this path, or "The Elementary" without absorbing the Message this book offers.
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This Audio Book is indispensable for the development of the True Activist. We advise the student NOT to continue with this path, or "The Elementary" without absorbing the Message this Work offers.
(Watch On Youtube)
It is extremely important to learn how to identify logically fallacious arguments. Logical Fallacies are arguments or beliefs that cannot logically be accurate from the context they are being argued from.
Wife: "Honey, I would appreciate it if you would start helping me with the dishes more because you rarely do."
Husband: "Well you never help me fix anything around here, so we are even."
The wife may not help fix anything, but the argument in the here and now is about how often the husband helps wash the dishes and how we can increase it, not about the wife helping to fix things.
Identifying logical fallacies helps serious thinkers avoid silly people and pointless debates. It keeps things in perspective when peers go to hash out events and situations. Observing and nullifying logical fallacies cleanses our minds of their effects. Here are the most common logical fallacies, but it would be logical to study them all.
Logical Fallacies! What Are They? Why Are They So Important?
More on Logical Fallacies.
Animated Short about Logical Fallacies.
The trivium is presented to methodically gather raw, factual data into a coherent body of knowledge (grammar); then to gain understanding of that body by systematically eliminating all stated contradictions within it (dialectic or logic); and, finally, to wisely express and utilize that valid knowledge and understanding in the objective, real world (rhetoric) - Richard Grove
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